Children's Clinical Hospital No.1, Novosibirsk
ACT introduction into practice of municipal children's clinical hospital № 1 city of Novosibirsk medical glue "Sulfacrylate" produced by the Federal Research and Production Center "ALTAI" |
We, the undersigned, the commission consisting of: the head of the department Pediatric Surgery Doctor of Medical Sciences Marchenko V., T., Chief doctor of MUZDB number 1 cms. Manankina NA, Head. surgical department cms Korabelshchikov GD, deputy. chief physician for the treatment unit Dubrovina L.N. certify that the medical glue "Sulfacrylate" produced by the Federal Research and Production Center ALTAI widely was introduced into the practice of a medical institution. The developed methods of its application are implemented in the clinical practice of the surgical department when performing surgical interventions in children on the abdominal organs and thoracic cavity. The glue composition "Sulfacrylate" is used in the practice of the surgical department for the purpose of haemostasis in carrying out planned and urgent surgical interventions on the parenchymal organs: liver, spleen, kidneys in children with various traumatic injuries and diseases. Use of adhesive composition allows get reliable hemostasis, perform organ-saving operations. Conditions are created for a more favorable course of postoperative period. The use of glue in operations on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract allows you to perform complex reconstructive interventions without fear of complications, in patients of different age groups starting with a group of newborns. Conditions are created for a more favorable the course of the postoperative period. The author has developed and implemented new types of surgical interventions on the esophagus, stomach, rectum. Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery Marchenko VT |